Facebook: CPR Concepts CPR & First Aid First I like to say that we really do appreciate all the views we have been getting from all across our networks. The more you view, the more business we get, and with that being said we would like to say thank you! Behind a business is hard workers that provide for their families and if it wasn't for the visitors we would not get any much business traffic. I just want to make sure that when you are reading these post that you share these post! It is not all about making money, it is also about saving lives, and we teach these things so non-medical professionals and medical professionals may be able to save the lives of the people around us. Below are screenshots of our Facebook Page with lots of information on Epilepsy, Strokes, Heart Attacks, Breast Cancer, etc. We update our Facebook Page regularly to give you the information you may need one day to save that special someone's life. Please take some t...