Did you know?

Did you know that AHA (American Heart Association) is the most respected company to get CPR certified with?
"The American Heart Association's Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) Programs deliver a dynamic message of hope — the hope of saving lives. New treatments have improved the possibility of survival from cardiovascular emergencies, cardiac arrest, and stroke. These new treatments offer the hope of improved quality of life for people who suffer these events."-American Heart Association-

The ECC improves the chain of survival by teaching instructors who than teach medical professionals and communities CPR/First Aid. This lowers the chances of disability and death from cardiovascular emergencies, cardiac arrest, and stroke.

ECC Guiding Philosophy (AHA)
• Improve the Chain of Survival in Every Community
• Increase Quality, Timeliness of Materials
• Identify, Expand Training
• Document Effectiveness
• Improve Efficiency

By maintaining this structure we could save a million lives by trying to figure out how to change our health so that these emergencies will no longer effect us but sometimes these things are impossible to escape. This is why we are trying to spread the word on how you can get certified in CPR and save a life!

If you would like anymore information on American Heart Association please follow these links:
CPR & First Aid Mission
Chain of Survival
CPR Statistics
History of CPR

If you are interested in CPR/First Aid classes then you can contact Stephany@cprconcepts.com to schedule your class today. Also ask how you can receive a free CPR class & a free CPR key chain mask!

Also like our Facebook Page: CPR Concepts CPR & First Aid
Friend Stephany on Facebook: Stephany CPR Instructor Smith
Follow me on Twitter: @CPRConceptsStef

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